Journal Articles펼치기
- Synthetic seismic data generation with pix2pix for enhanced fault detection model training, COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, 2025
- Prediction of S-wave velocity models from surface waves using deep learning, NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS, Vol.22,No.3, 281~297, 2024
- Low-frequency marine seismic data reconstruction based on the far-field signature using a modified U-Net, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.55,No.3, 263~276, 2024
- Improving parsimonious refraction interferometry through U-Net-based correction of first-arrival traveltimes, GEOPHYSICS, Vol.89,No.3, U71~U86, 2024
- Automatic microseismic signal classification for mining safety monitoring using the WaveNet classifier, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.72,No.2, 315~332, 2024
- Frequency-domain autocorrelation imaging condition for 3D elastic time-reversal imaging, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.72,No.2, 538~549, 2024
- 3D Near-surface Velocity Model Building by Integrating Surface, Borehole Seismic, and Well-logging Data in a Small-scale Testbed, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS, Vol.28,No.1, 12~27, 2023
- 아두이노를 활용한 무선 탄성파 자료취득 모듈 구현 실험, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.26,No.3, 103~113, 2023
- 물리정보신경망을 이용한 파동방정식 모델링 전략 분석, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.26,No.3, 114~125, 2023
- 그라운드-롤 제거를 위한 CNN과 GAN 기반 딥러닝 모델 비교 분석, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.26,No.2, 37~51, 2023
- Deep-learning-based GPR Data Interpretation Technique for Detecting Cavities in Urban Roads, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.25,No.4, 189~200, 2022
- A Review of Seismic Full Waveform Inversion Based on Deep Learning, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.25,No.4, 227~241, 2022
- 실험 부지에서의 지질구조 파악을 위한 물리탐사 및 물리검층, The Journal of Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment, Vol.27, 19~33, 2022
- Practical considerations in the implementation of time-domain acoustic full waveform inversion, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.53,No.2, 126~139, 2022
- 딥러닝 기반 탄성파 단층 해석을 위한 합성 학습 자료 생성, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.24,No.3, 89~97, 2021
- Damped wave-equation-based first-arrival traveltime tomography using the embedded boundary method, GEOPHYSICS, Vol.86,No.4, 75~87, 2021
- Improvement of RTM image with a de-primary algorithm and impedance-matching technique, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.52,No.2, 179~188, 2021
- Estimation of velocity and borehole receiver location via full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.51,No.3, 378~387, 2020
- Seismic full-waveform inversion using minimization of virtual scattering sources, GEOPHYSICS, Vol.85,No.3, 299~311, 2020
- 기계 학습 기반 탄성파 자료 단층 해석: 연구동향 및 기술, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.23,No.2, 97~114, 2020
- 표면파 탐사: 능동 탐사법을 중심으로, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.22,No.4, 210~224, 2019
- Embedded Boundary Method를 이용한 불규칙한 지형에서의 감쇠 파동장 기반 초동주시 계산, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.22,No.1, 12~20, 2019
- A simple inversion algorithm to estimate a linearly increasing velocity model for microseismic monitoring, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.49,No.5, 647~654, 2018
- 도깨비파 제거를 통한 광대역 탄성파 탐사 기술, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.21,No.3, 183~197, 2018
- 파동장 분리와 미러 이미징을 이용한 해저면 탄성파 탐사 자료의참반사 보정 영상 개선, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.21,No.2, 112~124, 2018
- Refraction traveltime tomography based on damped wave equation for irregular topographic model, JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol.150, 160~171, 2018
- 자유면 기인 겹반사파를 이용한 거꿀시간 참반사 보정, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.21,No.1, 41~53, 2018
- Stretch가 없는 수직 시간차 보정, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.20,No.4, 232~240, 2017
- An efficient waveform inversion using the common mid-point gather in the wavenumber-space-time domain, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.48,No.3, 219~225, 2017
- 송수신기 배열에 따른 굴절 주시 역산의 영향 인자 및 신뢰성 분석, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.20,No.3, 163~175, 2017
- An efficient 3D traveltime calculation using coarse-grid mesh for shallow-depth source, JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol.133, 25~29, 2016
- A Study on Consistency of Numerical Solutions for Wave Equation, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.19,No.3, 136~144, 2016
- Improvement of Reverse-time Migration using Homogenization of Acoustic Impedance, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.19,No.2, 76~83, 2016
- Source wavelet estimation using common mid-point gathers, GEOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, Vol.18,No.4, 199~204, 2015
- Implementation of adaptive edge-preserving smoothing regularisation technique for simultaneous multi-frequency full waveform inversion, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.46,No.2, 178~183, 2015
- An efficient wavenumber - space - time domain finite-difference modeling of acoustic wave equation for synthesizing CMP gathers, Geosystem Engineering, Vol.17,No.5, 287~293, 2014
- An algorithm adapting encoded simultaneous-source full-waveform inversion to marine-streamer acquisition data, GEOPHYSICS, Vol.79, R183~R193, 2014
- Laplace-domain wave-equation modeling and full waveform inversion in 3D isotropic elastic media, JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol.105, 120~132, 2014
- Application of Effective Regularization to Gradient-based Seismic Full Waveform Inversion using Selective Smoothing Coefficients, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.16,No.4, 211~216, 2013
- A numerical study of simultaneous-source full waveform inversion with l(1)-norm, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol.194,No.3, 1727~1737, 2013
- A Study on Optimization of the Global-Correlation-Based Objective Function for the Simultaneous-Source Full Waveform Inversion with Streamer-Type Data, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.15,No.3, 129~135, 2012
- Laplace-domain waveform inversion versus refraction-traveltime tomography, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol.190,No.1, 595~606, 2012
- Implementation of elastic reverse-time migration using wavefield separation in the frequency domain, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol.189,No.3, 1611~1625, 2012
- Frequency-domain acoustic-elastic coupled waveform inversion using the Gauss-Newton conjugate gradient method, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.60,No.3, 413~432, 2012
- Frequency-domain Waveform Inversion using Residual-selection Strategy, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.14,No.3, 214~219, 2011
- Application of Displacement-Vector Objective Function for Frequency-domain Elastic Full Waveform Inversion, Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration , Vol.14,No.3, 220~226, 2011
- Equivalent source distribution for efficient 3-D acoustic wave equation modelling in the Laplace domain, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol.186, 740~750, 2011
- 3D acoustic waveform inversion in the Laplace domain using an iterative solver, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.59,No.3, 386~399, 2011
- Robust Full Waveform Inversion Using Normalized Residual in the Frequency Domain, GEOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, Vol.14,No.1, 9~14, 2011
- 2D Elastic Waveform Inversion in the Laplace Domain, BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol.100,No.6, 3239~3249, 2010
- Acoustic full waveform inversion of synthetic land and marine data in the Laplace domain, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.58,No.6, 1033~1047, 2010
- Frequency-domain waveform inversion using an l1-norm objective function, EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol.40,No.2, 227~232, 2009
- Evaluation of Kirchhoff hyperbola in terms of partial derivative wavefield and virtual source, JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol.65,No.1, 50~55, 2008
- Comparison of waveform inversion, part 1: Conventional wavefield vs logarithmic wavefield, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.55, 449~464, 2007
- Comparison of waveform inversion, part 2: phase approach, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.55, 465~475, 2007
- Comparison of waveform inversion, part 3: amplitude approach, GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING, Vol.55, 477~485, 2007
- Theoretical proof of the plane-wave decomposition for a complex seismogram, JOURNAL OF SEISMIC EXPLORATION, Vol.15,No.3, 241~244, 2006
- Wavepath tomography using a monochromatic frequency-domain wave equation, JOURNAL OF SEISMIC EXPLORATION, Vol.15,No.1, 59~79, 2006
- Efficient electric resistivity inversion using adjoint state of mixed finite-element method for Poisson's equation, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, Vol.214,No.1, 171~186, 2006
- Two efficient steepest-descent algorithms for source signature-free waveform inversion: Synthetic examples, JOURNAL OF SEISMIC EXPLORATION, Vol.14,No.4, 335~348, 2006
- Refraction traveltime tomography using damped monochromatic wavefield, GEOPHYSICS, Vol.70,No.2, U1~U7, 2005
- 지구물리 수치해석 : 인공지진파 모델링과 역산, 씨아이알, 2016
- 미소진동 이벤트 위치 결정장치, 방법 및 컴퓨터 판독 가능한 기록매체, 2018
- 자유면(지표면)에 근접한 심도의 송신원에 대해 격자 간격을 이용한 효율적인 3차원 주시 계산 장치 및 방법(APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CALCULATING EFFICIENT 3D TRAVELTIME USING COARSE-GRID MESH FOR SHALLOW DE, 2017
Citation and Awards펼치기
- 학술상, 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회, 2024.10.24.
- 우수논문상, 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회, 2018.11.01.
- 우수논문상, 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회, 2016.10.06.
- 서정희상, 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회, 2012.09.19.